Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Ears Just Had One.

Wait, what? Never mind.

Hi all, just a quick post for tonight. I just found out that Andrew Bird has a new album coming out in January. Here's a link to his site--you can hear the first song from the album. I've already played it like a million times. Check it out:

mouse cursor click now friend yeah!

In other news........

Nothing. Thought I could rustle something up just then. Nope. Later.

Monday, November 17, 2008


So it snowed today. It was pretty cool driving home from work, seeing big fat flakes falling peacefully onto my windshield and instantly melting away. This is the kind of snow I actually like: the kind that doesn't collect, pile up, and lead to accidents.

I got a second acoustic guitar. I had a crappy Squier Strat, and I took it to Music-Go-Round to look for something cool to trade it for. I ended up finding this beat-up, old, crappy guitar in the corner. It had a bright yellow tag on it that said "Tired of Looking At It Sale". It had been marked down to forty dollars. I played it for a little while, and it sounded pretty good. I'm oddly drawn to crappy no-name instruments, so this was a good find for me. I also picked up a new set of strings for it, and a set for my twelve-string. I still have a couple of dollars store credit, too. Maybe I should've snagged a kazoo or a thumb pick or something. Ah well. At least I have something to do with my days off now. In the meantime, I've been writing some new songs and decorating my new toy with black and silver Sharpies. I have yet to re-string the twelve; it takes a long time and I'll probably snap at least one. That's what happened last time.

I just got my six month performance review at work. We get a raise every six months, and the amount is relative to how well we do our jobs. Who determines this, you ask? Managers who never see us doing our jobs. It makes perfect sense, just ask them. But yeah, I have now been at that job for two years. It's kind of depressing. I hate it. I need benefits, though, so have at me, Giant Eagle! I'm yours for the taking!

I'll get out once I finish up the first part of my degree, though, so I don't feel completely doomed.

On a final, and more serious note, I continue to be surprised by certain people. I'm not going to name names online, but I recently had a heated discussion that led to a sad revelation. Why is it that some people essentially refuse to evolve? Why do they insist on hanging on to the same sad, pathetic, hateful views that hold us back as a society? It's almost 2009, and discoveries like this one make me wonder how far things really have progressed. Goddamn it.

'til next time...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

And The Winner Is...

Well, tomorrow's the big day. I'll be getting in line with my neighbors and other total strangers as soon as I get off work. I hope the wait isn't too long; I've got class tomorrow, and it's a test day, so I really can't skip. If worse comes to worse, though, I can just leave and go to school, take my test, double back, and get in line again. One thing's for sure: I will not miss this. This election is huge, and I want to contribute.

Today at work, my co-worker asked me who I was voting for. I told him: Barack Obama. He did a double-take and said, "What? Really?" I said, "Yes, really." Then he shook his head and said "Oh, well you're just misinformed." He said it in a patronizing, dismissive way, like an adult telling a child that there are no monsters hiding in the closet. I was mildy offended by it, to say the least. I asked him why I was "just misinformed", and I think he realized at that moment that he didn't want to argue with me about it, because he didn't have a real answer. He tried changing the subject, but I kept bringing it up. I wasn't mad at him, really, I just wanted to hear what he thought. All he would talk about after that, though was how hot he thought Sarah Palin is, and that I couldn't deny that at least.

I could, and I did. I told him that I was so repulsed by her views and personality that there is no way I would ever find her remotely attractive. All he had to say after that was, "Well, I'd do 'er."


But anyway, back to voting. I've followed this campaign a lot more closely than past elections, and I'm glad I have. I think too often people take the easy way out by saying that they don't like either candidate, so they just don't vote. I used to be able to understand that, but not anymore. I mean, that's really kind of a cop-out. Chances are, you're not going to agree 100% with any candidate, but you pick the one you agree with most. It's not hard. Just watch the news and the debates. Read a little. (It helps if you think rationally and avoid falling for cheap scare tactics, by the way.) This is our country, you know?

Here's to it, then. Get out there tomorrow, everybody! Unless, of course, you've voted already. If that's the case, then don't get out there. Just put the news on.

'Til next time...