Monday, January 28, 2008

Intros and Openings

Well, this is the first time I've written one of these outside of Myspace. I'm Jon, and I'll sounding off on random things, thought nuggets that pass through my brain, and events from my life that I feel I need to share.

First off, I'm becoming a hypochondriac. (Side Note: I hopped on to make sure I spelled that right. I don't want to come off looking like a moron on my first day.) I used to not even think about disease and illness, but for about a year now, I've been getting worried about the slightest things. In the past few months, I've diagnosed myself with several different types of cancer, deep vein thrombosis, and a brain malady or two. None have been accurate, but they've all freaked me out. I went to the doctor a while back because I kept getting these nosebleeds. Turns out it's just the cold weather that's doing it, but I was convinced that I was dying. My heart kind of drops whenever I get a runny nose--I picture gallons of blood shooting out of me.

Moving on.

I have a problem talking to girls. I stumble over my words, or just don't say anything and walk by as fast as I can without tripping. So ladies: if you see me stumbling past you or if I say "good morning" to you at ten o'clock at night, that means I'm interested in getting to know you. Please respond accordingly.

I played Star Wars Battlefront on my PS2 for awhile today, and I totally killed a bunch of rebel scumbags. My sniper rifle/blaster pistol combo left them high and dry--and DEAD.

I'm going through musical withrawal right now. I sold all of my instruments (with the exception of my drum kit, which is at a friend's house) and have nothing to play. I need a guitar bad. If I listen really carefully, I think I can hear a Telecaster Thinline and a Twin Reverb calling for me.

Wait, that's just my cat. She probably threw up on my pillow or something.

So what is that saying about first impressions?


Okay, talk to you later.

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