Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Poem

My leg hurts
I need sleep to function properly
Did I pull a muscle?
My leg still hurts


I was looking at digital cameras at Best Buy last night. It's fun to scroll through all the memory cards to see what other shoppers have taken pictures of. I saw a few that made me laugh, and a few that were kind of just inappropriate. I usually try to make sure I leave a good picture of myself pulling a stupid face on every single one. I do the same with the Mac computers, too. Photobooth is fun because you can add neato effects. I actually found a picture of myself from a few weeks prior on one of them, too. I had sort of a funhouse mirror effect going, and I looked pretty much like a mutant or chud or whatever you want to call it. In sepia, too, no less!


~B~ said...

Jon, I always think of you as a sepia chud.

Jon said...

Why thank you, Bill. It's nice just to be thought of, chud or otherwise.