Thursday, June 12, 2008

Crying Over Spilled Chicken

I'm really questioning the common sense and brain activity of the average human lately. I see some of the most mind-boggling things when I'm at work. In case any of you do not know, I work at a big chain grocery store on the night shift. My job is to stock grocery items to the shelves in as many aisles as I can, or need to. After an aisle has been stocked I have to go through and pull all of the items forward to the edge, face everything up, and generally make it look all neat and nice. We call it conditioning. Anyway, I was conditioning the other night in our international aisle, which contains products from around the world. I was working on facing up some boxes of taco shells when an awful smell hit me right in the face. I reached back behind a bunch of cases, and proceeded to pull out a bag of raw chicken. It was ripped a little, and gross chicken filth water (a technical term) was spilling out on the shelf, the floor, and me. I was livid. Why in THEE HELL would a person throw that in behind stuff on a shelf like that? Honestly. And the way it was set up, they'd have had to actually bend over and stuff it back there. It was on the bottom shelf, and the cases it got thrown behind were tall enough and large enough that it couldn't have been merely dumped or tossed in a fluid movement. The moron in question worked for this, which is odd, considering they were too lazy to walk it twenty feet to the meat coolers, where it could've been carelessly dropped. This person ruined at least fifty dollars worth of food with their carelessness and laziness. I had to pull a lot of boxes and throw them out because they had soaked up so much of the filth water. Then I disinfected the shelf, the floor, and myself. I had to waste so much time doing that, and I finished the aisle later than I should've.

The moral of this story: be considerate, do the right thing, and have some common fucking sense. And, to the culprit responsible for the mess, listen up: YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY PERSON ON EARTH, AND SAID PLANET DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU. PLEASE REALIZE HOW INCONSIDERATE ACTIONS SUCH AS THAT AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE. QUIT BEING SUCH A DOUCHE, YOU DOUCHE.

In other news, I've just discovered that I hate stringing twelve-string guitars. It's quite time consuming, and it sucks when the tenth one snaps on you. I mean come on. Seriously?

1 comment:

~B~ said...

That is exactly why in the years in which I've owned a twelve-string that I have never changed the strings. Granted, mine is more like a nine-string these days, but still.

This is also why I never go digging on supermarket aisles. A few days nearer an expiration date is a hell of a lot more pleasant than chicken filth water on my person.