Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Now where did I put my beret...

I decided to come out of hiding to post something I found that I wrote back in high school. I was snowed in today, so I thought I'd get a head start on the ol' spring cleaning, and I found this poem:

Passing on the sidewalk
isn't always the greatest idea
at 5 o'clock P.M.
Pedestrians clog the undercarriage
with flesh and bulging bags
I wonder if they're carrying
anything I'd like
that would be a bargain
or actually a steal
parking meters spewing coins
would be a sight to see
A handfull of change
to call someone who cares
or a cab to take me home

Ha. I guess this is my way of taking a break from nonstop science studies to do something artsy. I use that term loosely, by the way.

'Til next time...

1 comment:

~B~ said...

Jon. We love you. Write a blog from time to time. Please?