Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Game

The following conversation took place earlier today at my local bookstore. Allow me to set the scene:

An attractive, young woman busies herself at the customer service stand. In walks an awkward, shy, boy of a man who has admired the young woman from afar for the past two weeks, and has finally gathered up the courage to say something to her. He approaches the desk.

Jon: Excuse me...

Girl: (Silence. She hasn't heard.)

Jon: (Moves closer to the desk) Uh, excuse me...

Girl: (Looks up, smiles. It's a beautiful sight. Wow.) Oh, hi. Can I help you with something?

Jon: Um, ya. (Yes, actually says YA, like a huge idiot. Pushes on, acts as if verbal slip didn't happen) I was trying to find this one book about hockey by Ken Dryden. I'm not sure what it's called, though.

The girl types quickly on her computer. Even the way she does that is attractive. Jon catches himself staring at her and quickly looks away before she notices.

Girl: Okay, we have one book called 'The Game'. Would that be it?

Jon: Byeah, I think so. ('Byeah'?)

Girl: Great. Umm, now, we don't seem to have any copies here, but I could order one for you if you want.

Jon: Sure, that'd be great. (This sentence is said way too loud. Compensates by clearing throat and blushing.)

Girl: Okay, umm, could I have your phone number?

Jon knows full well that it's solely for the purpose of identifying him in the system, but his heart still jumps a little when he hears it. He tells her, hoping that she'll use it for more than notification when the book comes in.

Girl: Okay, great. I will give you a call when it comes in. Should be about a week.

Jon's brain: Say something, you fool! She's right here! Come on! Use the phone number thing!

Jon: Uh, okay. If you wanna call me before that, though, like if you'd ever wanna go out or anything, uh, that'd be cool too. (Awkward smile.)

Girl: Are you asking me out? (Half-smiling. It's gorgeous.)

Jon: Umm, yeah. I'm trying to.

Girl: (Embarrassed smile, looks down at her desk, then back up) Oh, um, I have a boyfriend, actually.

Jon: Oh, buh, mah, y-, that's cool. Sorry for...ahh.

Girl: Huh?

Jon: No, I-

Girl: Hmm?

Jon: Ahch...I just made this a lot more embarrassing than I had to.

Girl: No, don't be embarrassed, really.

There's an uncomfortable pause. Both parties involved seem slightly confused.

Jon: So, uh, about a week, then?

Girl: Yeah. (This is said pretty loud.)

Jon: Okay, heh, cool. Thanks.

Jon smiles, turns, and gets the hell out of the store as fast as he can.


So, that was my latest adventure. I kind of hope she's not there when I go back in, but I also kind of hope she is. Maybe I'll grow on her like some geeky, bumbling fungus and she'll dump her boyfriend. He's probably a jerk anyway.


Liz is said...

That is actually really cute, bookstore girls are awesome.

Jon said...

They really are.