Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Probably Misses His Old Glasses

I just got back from the eye doctor about an hour ago. It had been about four years since I last went, and my current job now allows me to make appointments like this one without going broke. Hooray, insurance!

My current glasses have certainly seen better days. The right lens falls out from time to time ever since that haunted house incident a few Halloweens ago where I was shoved face-first into a wall. It was pitch-black inside, and my friend pushed me from behind to make the experience 'more fun'. It was real fun smacking my face on the corner of a wall and crawling around in the dark looking for my damn lens. Oddly enough, though, the place sold glasses-repair kits, so I was in business.

But yeah, you know what's not fun? Getting those puffs of air blown into your eyes.

I suppose eye diseases are even less fun, though, so I can put up with the two seconds of being uncomfortable.

I should be receiving my new specs in about two weeks. I paid extra so that they would fit them to make me look smarter than I actually am. Pretty sweet, huh?

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