Monday, May 12, 2008

Salute My Shorts

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day. I did. My sister and I took my mom out to eat. We went to a very crowded Cheesecake Factory. We waited probably an hour and-a-half, but it was worth it. They have amazing food at that place. If you have one in your area, I'd recommend eating there. Good times.

I got my reverb tank fixed, too. I had bought a new one a couple of weeks ago, but it needed some soldering. I, however, am not equipped with the tools to take care of such a predicament, so I had to take it to my dad's house. We got it working last night, and I finally got to play some no-foolin' surf tunes again after a few 'verbless months. It was a lot of fun, although my double-picking now needs some work.

Actually, I'm going to go play some more. Until next time...

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