Saturday, May 10, 2008

Rolling, Action! Okay, Cut.

Hi all,

Today's post is actually just a plug for my good friend Matt. Back in high school, Matt and I got into making movies. We made several shorts, some of which were actually pretty good. Matt went on to attend the University of Toledo where he majored in film. Now he's back in Columbus making more great stuff. I was lucky enough to help him with his last project, entitled 'T-Shirt Of Me'. Anyway, I wanted to let you readers in on a bit of the indie film scene here in Columbus, so here's a link to Matt's myspace page, where you can find out all about his stuff:

Check out his movies, let him know what you think, and if you like them, shoot him a friend request. I'm sure he'll gladly accept. He doesn't know I'm doing this, but I think it's really important to promote and support local/indie art in all of its forms.

Until next time....

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