Sunday, February 3, 2008

Waist Deep in a Rut

My boss has made several comments to me over the past few months that have really started to freak me out a bit. He keeps making references to my taking over for him when he leaves. Thing is, I would never want to do that. Ever. I work at a grocery store third shift. I do not want to make a career out of stocking. I realize that people can and do, but it is not for me. I want to do something that actually means something to me. I worry, though, that I'll just kind of slip into it. I mean, it's a painfully easy job. If I don't stay motivated to do something else, I could definitely see myself sticking with that routine.

I'm thinking that I need to just pack up and move. I feel like I've been here for too long. I've visited other places that I could definitely picture as potential hometowns. Places like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Toronto are all great cities. I just need to take that first step, I guess. I don't know what's stopping me, really. I have no obligations here in Columbus, no wife or kids. Just a crap job. I do have some great friends here, though. Still, I think I need to just do what's best for me. I'd love nothing more than to sell my car and most of my other possessions and start over. Meet new people, play new music, see new sights.

It's important to live your life. I've just been existing for the most part.

In blog page news, I've just added an 'awesome links' section. It took me forever to figure out how to do it, too. I thought I was fairly smart when it comes to computers, but's settings almost melted my brain and face.

Anyway, I have a link to my friend Bill's blog. It may be just one link, but there's enough awesome in it for all of us. Check it out.

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