Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Recent iTunes Purchases

Alright everyone. Hopefully we can all agree that being able to buy and download almost any album from iTunes is freaking sweet. Personally, I have been going a bit crazy with the downloads lately. (What else am I gonna do with my tax refund--save it for something important?! Pfft.) I just looked in my purchases, and this is what I saw:

Screeching Weasel - Wiggle
The Methadones - Career Objective
The Methadones - Not Economically Viable
The Amino Acids - Destroy The Warming Sun
The Bird & The Bee - Ray Guns Are Not Just The Future
Descendents - Somery
Blitzkid - Anatomy Of Re-Animation, Vol. 1
Black Flag - Wasted...Again
Circle Jerks - Group Sex
The Germs - GI
D.O.A. - Hardcore '81
The Damned - Damned Damned Damned
X - Wild Gift
Against All Authority - Destroy What Destroys You
Rancid - S/T ('93)
Smashing Pumpkins - Gish

Now, this may not look like that many albums, but this is like a week's worth of buying here. For me, it's quite a bit, and I did not even realize that I was accumulating so much music in such a short time. I put it to you, fellow Bloggers--what albums have you gotten recently? More than this? Less?

ooh. I still need the latest Maria Taylor album. I might make myself wait, though. Crap.

'Til next time...

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