Friday, April 24, 2009

That Gets My Goat.

To those who constantly wear those idiotic bluetooth earpiece phone things--stop it. You look absurd. There's some middle-aged prick who has a seat near me at the arena, and he always shows up with one of those goddamn things on. What a tool. Honestly, why would you even need that at a hockey game? Can your devastatingly important business life not wait two hours? Apparently not.

To those who have the entire road ahead of them and proceed to drive 35 miles an hour in a 50 mile an hour zone--get off the damn road. Anyone who doesn't notice that they're backing up traffic for a quarter-mile because they're too busy talking on a phone or pointing out random locations to their passengers should not be allowed to drive. It is stupid and severely annoying. Pay attention, moron.

To those who use public restrooms and don't flush afterwards--you are unbelievably disgusting. There's a reason that little handle is there. It's so your fucking piss and shit doesn't sit and stink up the place. What's that you say? You don't want to touch a filthy public toilet? Oh, I see. Yeah, it's too bad they don't have some way for you to clean your hands in a bathroom. If they did, it would be no trouble to flush. Oh wait, that's what those sinks are for?! Get right out!

To those who believe they know everything, and feel the need to share that with everyone around them--you are ridiculous. People like you have a lot to learn, including how to shut the hell up.

To those who are reading this blog and do so on a somewhat regular occasion--thanks. You guys are awesome.

'Til next time...

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