Saturday, April 25, 2009

Books! Check 'Em Out.

To sort of break away from my schoolwork, I started reading a novel I found in my closet. Honestly, I had forgotten that I even bought it, and I'm not too sure how long it's been there. The book is 'A Confederacy Of Dunces' by John Kennedy Toole. Let me just say, I haven't read any fiction in a LONG time. This is my first time reading this book, too. I bought it without even knowing what it was about; something about it just grabbed me, and I liked the title. Having said all that, I am absolutely loving it. It is so funny and well-written. It's making me want to start writing again, too. I used to write a lot in high school, and I always thought that I would end up a writer, but then all that just kind of tapered off. I never thought I was that good at it or anything, but I always thought it would be awesome to write a book. I still do, and that spark is starting to flare up again.

It feels kind of tingly.

Wait, what? Moving on.

Getting back to fiction is something I'm becoming very interested in now. Can anyone recommend any really good books? After this one I have a short stack of books by Kurt Vonnegut that I haven't read yet, but after that I'm going to be all out of options. Help me out, readers!

'Til next time...

1 comment:

~B~ said...

This is the most dangerous question to ask a lit nerd/bookworm like myself.

We'll have to confer further for epic lists of recommendations, but if you haven't read these two books, you are missing out:

Love Monkey by Kyle Smith
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman